Three Days

Three days.

It sounds like a lot of time, doesn’t it? I suppose it can be, depending on what you need the time for. If you’re waiting for an event you’re excited about it, three days can seem like forever. If you need the time to prepare for the event though, it feels like there’s never enough. Oddly, I find myself in both those situations.

Three days.

That’s the minimum time I had figured it would take them to discover my little secret. I did my best to hide the clues and make the riddles difficult. But as this is the first time, I am aware I may not be at my best yet. I had hoped for more time but as they say, ‘Hope in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills first”. So…

Three days.

Plans to be followed. Tickets bought. Money transferred. Perhaps a passport obtained. New clothes. New hair color. Glasses? Contacts to change my eyes perhaps. Ditch the car in a ‘bad’ part of the city so it ends up in pieces. Make sure to leave the apartment door open when I leave for the last time – there won’t be much left inside once someone notices that. Plus a hundred other tiny details.

Three days.

It’s on the Midday News the third day. I’m surprised they were able to find it this fast. Perhaps the riddles weren’t tough enough. No matter. Identifying it will not be easy, or even possible, after all the fun I had. Gives me more time.

Time to get to a new city.

A new Hunting Ground.

I wonder how long it will take the cops to find the clues to the next one.

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